Understanding Coronavirus

Source: pixabay

Coronavirus or corona virus is a large family of viruses that cause mild to moderate upper respiratory infections, such as flu. Many people are infected with this virus, at least once in their lives.
However, some types of corona viruses can also cause more serious illnesses, such as:
  • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV).
  • Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).
  • Pneumonia.
SARS, which appeared in November 2002 in China, spread to several other countries. Starting from Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, England, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, to the United States. The SARS epidemic which ended until mid-2003 affected 8098 people in various countries. At least 774 people must lose their lives due to this severe respiratory infection. 
To date, seven coronaviruses (HCoVs) have been identified, namely:
  • HCoV-229E.
  • HCoV-OC43.
  • HCoV-NL63.
  • HCoV-HKU1.
  • SARS-COV (which causes acute respiratory syndrome).
  • MERS-COV (Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome).
  • COVID-19 or also known as Coronavirus Novel (caused pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan city, China in December 2019, and spread to other countries starting January 2020. Indonesia itself announced the covid 19 case from March 2020
Risk Factors for Coronavirus Infection  
Anyone can be infected with the corona virus. However, infants and young children, as well as people with weak immunity are more susceptible to this virus attack. In addition, seasonal conditions may also be influential. For example, in the United States, corona virus infections are more common in the fall and winter. 
In addition, someone who lives or visits an area or country that is prone to corona virus , is also at risk of developing this disease. For example, visiting China, especially the city of Wuhan, which was once a COVID-19 outbreak that began in December 2019.
Causes of Coronavirus Infection  
Coronavirus infection is caused by the corona virus itself. Most corona viruses spread like other viruses in general, such as: 
  • Sprinkling saliva (swollen and sneezing).
  • Touching the hand or face of an infected person.
  • Touching the eyes, nose, or mouth after handling an item that is affected by saliva splashes with corona virus. 
  • Feces or stool (rare)
Especially for COVID-19 , the incubation period is not known with certainty. However, the average symptoms that occur after 2-14 days after the first virus enters the body. In addition, the transmission method of COVID-19 is also not known with certainty. Initially, the COVID-19 corona virus was thought to originate from animals. The COVID-19 corona virus is a virus that circulates in several animals, including camels, cats and bats. 
Actually this virus rarely evolves and infects humans and spreads to other individuals. However, the case in China is now clear evidence that this virus can spread from animals to humans. In fact, now transmission can be from human to human. 
Symptoms of Coronavirus Infection  
Corona virus can cause a variety of symptoms in the sufferer. These symptoms depend on the type of corona virus that attacks, and how serious the infection is. Here are some of the mild symptoms of the corona virus:
  • Runny nose.
  • Headache.
  • Cough.
  • Sore throat.
  • Fever.
  • Feel unwell.
What needs to be emphasized is that some corona viruses can cause severe symptoms. The infection can turn into bronchitis and pneumonia (caused by COVID-19), which results in symptoms such as:
  • Fever that may be quite high if the patient has pneumonia.
  • Cough with mucus.
  • Hard to breathe.
  • Chest pain or tightness when breathing and coughing.
Infection can get worse if it attacks certain groups of individuals. For example, people with heart or lung disease, people with weakened immune systems, babies, and the elderly. 

Diagnosis of Coronavirus Infection  
To diagnose corona virus infection , the doctor will start with a history or medical interview. Here the doctor will ask about symptoms or complaints experienced by patients. In addition, the doctor will also conduct a physical examination, and blood tests to help make the diagnosis.
The doctor may also do a sputum test, take a sample from the throat, or other respiratory specimens. For cases of suspected coronavirus infection, the doctor will perform a throat swab, DPL, liver function, kidney function, and PCT / CRP.

Complications of Coronavirus Infection  
The corona virus that causes SARS can cause pneumonia, and other severe respiratory problems if not treated quickly and appropriately. In addition, SARS can also cause respiratory failure, heart failure, liver failure, and death.
Similar to SARS, a coronavirus novel can also cause serious complications. This viral infection can cause pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death. 

Coronavirus Infection Treatment  
There is no specific treatment to deal with corona virus infection. Generally, the person will recover by itself. However, there are several efforts that can be done to relieve the symptoms of corona virus infection. Example:
  • Take over-the-counter medicines to reduce pain, fever and cough. However, don't give aspirin to children. In addition, do not give cough medicine to children under four years.
  • Use a humidifier or hot shower to help relieve sore throats and coughs.
  • Much rest.
  • Increase body fluid intake.
  • If you are worried about your symptoms, immediately contact the nearest health care provider.
Especially for corona viruses that cause serious illnesses, such as SARS, MERS, or COVID-19 infections , the treatment will be tailored to the disease and the patient's condition. 
If the patient has a novel coronavirus infection, the doctor will refer to the Referral Hospital that has been appointed by the local Health Office (Dinas Kesehatan). If it cannot be referred for several reasons, the doctor will do:
  • Isolation
  • Thoracic photo series as indicated.
  • Symptomatic therapy.
  • Fluid therapy.
  • Mechanical ventilator (if breathing fails)
  • If there is accompanied by a bacterial infection, antibiotics can be given.
Prevention of Coronavirus Infection 
Until now there is no vaccine to prevent corona virus infection . However, at least there are several ways you can do to reduce the risk of contracting this virus. The following efforts can be made: 
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds to clean.
  • Avoid touching the face, nose, or mouth when hands are dirty or not washed.
  • Avoid direct or close contact with sick people.
  • Avoid touching wild animals or birds. 
  • Clean and sterilize the surface of objects that are often used. 
  • Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or cough with a tissue. Then, throw the tissue and wash your hands thoroughly. 
  • Don't leave the house sick.
  • Wear a mask and seek treatment at a health facility immediately when you experience symptoms of airway disease. 
In addition, you can also strengthen the immune system by takinvitamins and supplements as a form of prevention from this virus. Find Corona prevention products you need at Halodoc. 

When to see a doctor?
If the symptoms of corona virus infection or COVID-19 do  not improve in a matter of days, or the symptoms develop, ask your doctor at Halodoc immediately  to get the right treatment. Rapid and precise diagnosis and treatment can increase the chances of cure of the virus infection. 
Why do you need to ask before going to the hospital? Every doctor on the Halodoc application can provide an initial diagnosis, then if necessary, can immediately make a referral to the hospital for Corona closest to where you live.

1 Response to "Understanding Coronavirus"

  1. thank you for the story you gave, hopefully can provide insight to the general public


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